绝缘电阻测试仪 变压器变比测试仪 在线局部放电测试仪 大型地网测试仪 回路电阻测试仪 蓄电池充放电测试仪 绝缘靴耐压试验装置 真空泵 电能综合分析仪 SF6抽真空充气装置 空气干燥发生器 滤油机 高空接线钳 短路接地线 电器特性控制台 直流试送仪 红外线测温仪 高压绝缘垫 手表式近电报警器 高压开关机械特性测试仪 直流电阻测试仪 连续式钢筋标点机 变压器绕组变形测试仪 继电保护测试仪 盐密测试仪 回路电阻测试仪 介质损耗测试仪 互感器综合特性测试仪 电容电感测试仪 绝缘耐压测试仪 数字式双钳相位伏安表 微水测量仪 变压试验变压器 变压器特性测试台 电缆故障测试仪 串联谐振 高压发生器 防雷元件测试仪 三倍频发生器装置 动平衡测量仪 大电流发生器 高压无线核相仪


执行标准: IEC 61730-2:2015 "局部放电试验"BR-PV-PDT Partial Discharge Test SystemImplementation of standards: IEC 61730-2:2004 & Ed.2, IEC 60664-1:2007, IEC 60243-1:1998

执行标准: IEC 61730-2:2015 "局部放电试验"

BR-PV-PDT Partial Discharge Test System
Implementation of standards: IEC 61730-2:2004 & Ed.2, IEC 60664-1:2007, IEC 60243-1:1998

Capable of testing capacitance range: 6pF~250μF
Electric charge measurement range: 0.1~1000pC
Electric charge measurement precision: 0.1pC
Application AC voltage: AC0.01kV~5kVrms (Voltage change: automatic / manual)
Automatic voltage change model: 3 basic models
Voltage measurement accuracy: better than 5%

Calibrated charge measuring device or radio interference meter according to IEC 60664-1. If testing foils, the geometry of the electrodes shall be in conformance with IEC 60243-1 figure 1a. If testing a complete module, one electrode shall be connected to the short circuited module terminals, the earth electrode acc. to IEC 60243-1 figure 1a (bottom electrode) shall be connected to the frame and placed on the surface of the module (front or back sheet). The position of the electrode shall be chosen to represent critical points; a total number of 10 points shall be chosen.
Pass criteria
The solid insulation / module has passed the test if the mean value minus the standard deviation of the partial discharge extinction voltage is greater than 1,5 times the given maximum system voltage. When calculating the standard deviation the voltage step distance of the apparatus used shall be taken into account.

Note: Care 首ld be taken to prevent undesired noises to occur during the test according to IEC 60664-1 annex D.3.


